As a growing business, you need a checking account that can keep up with you — while keeping things cost-effective. That’s why we offer our Commercial Analysis Checking.
Key Features
Unlimited Monthly Transactions
Free Digital Banking
Cash Management Available
- Ideal for businesses with a larger transaction volume
- Receive a detailed analysis statement regarding account activity
- Unlimited monthly transactions available at low per-item fees
- 15¢ per debit
- 15¢ per credit
- 15¢ per check written
- $15 monthly service fee
- Receive an earnings credit to offset or minimize monthly fees incurred*
- Free Mastercard® debit card
- Free digital banking, including:
- Online banking & bill pay
- Mobile banking with mobile deposit
- eStatements
- Cash management and other business services available
- $100 minimum deposit to open
*Earnings credit based on balance requirements.